Making GUI over IP:5173 available on the network
Jan Winkler
Would be nice to have the ability to see the Wingman AI GUI on a different device in the network.
As I can already see it with localhost:5173 in the browser on the PC running Wingman AI, I thought it should be also be available on network devices.
But sadly that's currently not possible.
It is reachable with a reverse proxie, but there is always a tauri error shown:
"An error occurred when trying to start Wingman AI Core:
TypeError: window.__TAURI_IPC__ is not a function"
So would be nice if nativ support for LAN availability or proxie support would be there :)
we have some ideas and are working on it!
Stefan Meinecke
Using a reverse Proxy (nginx for windows) on external port and point it to the http://localhost:5173 shows at least the gui, but offers an error telling, it can't start core. But locally, core is running already.. How is the System working? Would be great to implement a proxy or make it available in the local network.
A.I. NXTGEN Studio
I would love this feature as it would allow us to use WingmanAI on our phones, XR headsets and other things.
Using a similar service I was able to achieve this by entering http://"youripaddress":5173/ and also going to google flags, searching insecure and entering http://"youripaddress":5173/ in there would make it work both on phones and XR headsets, although it relied on local TTS like Google's TTS engine
Jan Winkler